por Esteban Fidelis – 2020
Measurements (H x L x W)
Queen: 100 x 208 x 178 cm
39 1/4″ x 82″ x 70″
King: 100 x 213 x 197 cm
39 1/4″ x 83 3/4″ x 77 1/2″
Frame in solid wood - Tauari | Jequitibá
Get to know more details of our products and see what is behind each process and concept that make up our products.
The headboard of the Belim bed receives a combination of special foams capable of making your experience more pleasant. In addition to the use of Italian elastic belts and combinations of foams depending on the use, we value and invest in the tactile feel of our pieces. To make the product comfortable, we use special types of foam for the finish. Hyper Soft is the foam used to give a pleasant touch to the back (image), in addition to preserving the aesthetic lines and proportion of the product indefinitely, in addition to Ultracel foam, as the last layer to provide more durability, comfort, and stability.
We value using certified and quality wood. In addition to the aesthetic beauty of licensed native raw materials, density is an important factor in choosing the wood species we select. This physical characteristic makes it possible to increase the quality of the finishes, improve the precision of the cuts and guarantee excellent durability of the furniture. We know that having a quality raw material available is not enough to have a good finished product, that's why we seek to work only with woodworkers who have dedicated their lives to working with wood. Excellent professionals who have know-how capable of substantially transcending technical limitations and making possible the development of each of the products developed in wood.
Sertão mineiro. MG – Brasil
“Se viam bandos tão compridos de araras, no ar, que pareciam um pano azul ou vermelho, desenrolado, esfiapado nos lombos do vento quente. Daí, se desceu mais, e, de repente, chegamos numa baixada toda avistada, felizinha de aprazível, com uma lagoa muito correta, rodeada de buritizal dos mais altos: buriti – verde que afina e esveste, BELIMBELEZA. E tinha os restos de uma casa, que o tempo viera destruindo; e um bambual, por antigos plantado; e um ranchinho”.
“(…) Dali eu via aquele movimento: os homens, enxergados tamanhinho de meninos, numa alegria, feito nuvem de abelhas em flor de araçá, esse alvoroço, como tirando roupa e correndo para aproveitarem de se banhar no redondo azul da lagoa, de donde fugiam espantados todos os pássaros – as garças, os jaburus, os marrecos, e uns bandos de patos-pretos. Semelhava que por saberem que no outro dia principiava o peso da vida, os companheiros agora queriam só pular, rir e gozar seu exato”.
The Belim bed is part of a set of pieces that make the rich Brazilian literary universe. These pieces seek to give the furniture, produced with native raw materials, an essence that is also born within the Brazilian historical past. Their names seek to rescue characters or unique expressions, which belong to the national literary legacy, thus rescuing Brazilian culture.
Essentially Belim derives from the immersion in the word Belimbeleza, which means subtle, humble beauty, created by Guimarães Rosa. Therefore, the name of the bed is a key to finding moments of peace both in the work and in people's daily lives. Thus, given the formal aspect of the bed, its aesthetics is reflected through the simplicity and rationality of the shapes. Simple cuts and curves, converging and refined lines with an elongated appearance, give a subtle aspect, which touches the common. However, when viewed in full, the Belim bed overflows in both meaning and personality, surpassing the common aspect, towards a harmonious and unusual composition.