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Monday to Friday: 9-20
Saturday to Sunday: closed

LINDE Coffee Table Set

by Esteban Fidelis – 2022

Measurements (H x L x W)

28 | 32 x 200 x 100 cm
11” | 12 1/2″ x 78 3/4” x 39 1/4”



Feet in carbon steel. Electrostatic painting.
Table top in natural stone.


3D Warehouse

Get to know more details of our products and see what is behind each process and concept that make up our products.

Processo de solda em aço carbono.

Carbon steel is a material of great durability and resistance which imbues these characteristics in our products and components. The solidness and the cohesion of steel pieces, united by weld techniques, constitute an inextricable union that guarantees safety in the use and handling of our products. Laser cuts, well-executed folds, and welds constitute a continuous and fluid perception at the length of the transition of each component. Along with high-quality painting, products with metallic components ensure great physical and mechanical integrity that can lengthen not only the products’ lifespan as their aesthetic unity.

A focal element in any space, the natural stone has a unique signature able to connect us to a beauty filled with movement, details, and colors. Over millions of years, each stone went through physical and chemical processes which can produce masterpieces such as marble, quartzite, and granite. Each cut of stone becomes, therefore, unique and it lends such singularity to the piece of furniture, ensuring an exclusivity and refinement status to any room. To ensure the quality and integrity of each of our materials, we work with professionals who have years of experience with this material. Employing a methodic artisanal work in the execution of bevels, curves, and cuts, we week to compliment and exalt the unquestionable and inherent ornamental beauty of stones of natural origin.

Processo de polimento em pedra natural.

3ª ed. São Paulo: Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, 2020.

LINDE. (V. Boscarejo) / Limite. // Do Lat. limite, com alterações fonéticas próprias da língua pop.; f. arcaizante, menos usual do que limite. Viterbo registra o voc. com o sent. de ‘marco, baliza ou sinal estabelecido para demarcar e dividir sem confusão as propriedades e terras’ [Cf. E. da Cunha: Naquele ponto se abeiravam das lindes de Goiás. (Os Sertões, p.172)].

The word Linde means limit, translating and inspiring the boundaries that the pieces from the coffee table set replicate in their usage.

Five pieces of different sizes and outlines border each other to make up the Linde coffee table set which unites organicity and contrasting heights. Tapered legs in recycled cast aluminum support the natural stone surfaces, elevating them to two different heights. Due to the grid from which the set was conceived, the Linde coffee table has a certain mathematical correlation among its corners, allowing for several harmonic compositions both for a coffee table set and isolated side tables. Soft bevels on the sides that outline the stones soften the perceptive inherent weight of the natural stone, making the superior view lighter and more elegant.